What started as one kiwi mascot soon separated into two personalities. This happens to me all the time, show a client different versions to pick from and you are asking for trouble. One angelic and the other, well let's just say he plays to win. I created these mascots for Table Tennis New Zealand and the World Veterans Championship to be held this year. Our kiwi is the national icon/bird of NZ and having a chance to put my stamp on a version was thrilling. These two were hand drawn in illustrator and using a wacom tablet. Created to be vector illustrations lets them be enlarged to any size without distortion and gives them the freedom for complex changes to posture and dress. I don't often have time for hand drawn illustrations, but when i do, I enjoy it. PS. for those that don'y play, Whiff and Whaff is an old name for table tennis, before ping ping was trade marked.